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'Contagious Joy' - New!

By Brian Richardson


My greatest hope is that those who read this book be inspired to enter into this 'joy unspeakable and full of glory' and gain a revelation that we Christians should be happiest people on the face of this planet. 


UK orders only £10.00 incl. P&P

International orders £14.00 incl. P&P

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The Best of Brian

Best of Brian 4.jpg

By Brian Richardson


This book is a collection of many gems that Brian has accumulated over sixty years of ministry that could be used as a thought for the day, or more importantly a source book for preachers and speakers, hence an extensive subject index.



UK orders only £15.00 incl. P&P

International orders £17.00 incl. P&P

Encounter CD

By Vanessa Richardson


An Instrumental Album

God is calling His Bride into greater depths of intimacy with Him.  This CD is an invitation to come away with Him into the secret place and find rest, refreshing, healing and restoration in His presence and to experience His love, strength and joy as you run with Him in His purposes.



UK orders only £10.00 incl. P&P

International orders £12.00 incl. P&P


The Warrior Bride

By Vanessa Richardson


Prophetic Warfare Praise and Intimate Worship.

Changing the spiritual atmosphere through the power of praise and worship to advance the Kingdom of God.



UK orders only £9.30 incl. P&P

International orders £11.50 incl. P&P


French Version UK orders £12.00 incl. P&P

French Version International orders £15.00 incl. P&P

Your Kingdom Come

By Brian Richardson


A look at the Kingdom of Solomon and how it foreshadows the Kingdom of God.

What do we expect to see when we pray 'Your Kingdom Come'?

UK orders only £9.30 incl. P&P

International orders £11.50 incl. P&P

French Version UK orders £12.00 incl. P&P

French Version International orders £15.00 incl. P&P


Don't Quit Now

'From his own rich experience of well over 50 years of ministry in many parts of the world, with a sprinkling of humour, Brian has stumbled on some principles in life that have helped keep him on track. If you are planning to last for the long haul, the principles he has discovered may be the guide to your survival. In the latter part of the book, Vanessa tells something of her story and how she held on to her God given dreams until, by God's grace, they became a reality.'

UK orders only £9.20 incl. P&P

International orders £11.50 incl. P&P


Vanessa Richardson's Instrumental CD


UK Orders £8.00 incl. P&P

International orders £10.50 incl. P&P

The Dance

Vanessa Richardson's new Live CD


Recorded live at Leighton Buzzard


Download FREE Chord & Lyric Sheets:

Let's Praise The Lord

Jesus You Are the One

Set Me As A Seal

UK orders only £11.00 incl. P&P

International orders £13.00 incl. P&P

Now You Do It

Brian Richardson's Church Planting Book

The heart of this book is to challenge mature Christians and congregations, to church plant. It is also designed to encourage and give direction to those who may be considering the possibilities of church planting, to go for it!

It takes you on a journey from, why we need to open new churches, to the actual launching of a bouncing baby church. On the way, we take a realistic look at our own potential, and then follow the process of conception to birth of a new church.


Spicing the story with humour, Brian shares from his own personal experience and that of the London City Church (that has planted over 150 over a 15 year period') the different models that can be undertaken."I commend this book which shares vital concepts in a readable and practical style" John Glass, General Superintendent, Elim Pentecostal Church.

English version only £5.00 incl. P&P

Bulgarian version  £5.00 incl. P&P

French  version  £14.00 incl. P&P

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